FNF’: Hero Academia Justice vs Deku

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Playing this Hero Academia Justice vs Deku version of the Friday Night Funkin

Dive into the world of My Hero Academia with the Funk’s Justice Vs. Deku mod for Friday Night Funkin’. The mod transports you into a captivating musical encounter with Izuku Midoriya (known as Deku), the central character of the manga series. Deku challenges Boyfriend to an intense rap battle, set to the rhythm of the song ‘Full Cowl’, amid a crowd of watchful spectators in an arena.

Set against the backdrop of the U.A. Highschool’s sports uniform, the mod has Deku and Boyfriend go head-to-head, each showing off their musical prowess. The mod leaves players wondering if Boyfriend has enrolled in this illustrious superhero school, and if he possesses a hidden Quirk that allows him to reign supreme in the world of singing. This FNF mod offers an exciting blend of rhythm-based gameplay and the captivating universe of My Hero Academia.

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