FNF Spirits of Hell V2 (Sonic)

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Playing the Friday Night Spirits Version 2 Sonic Game

Experience an eerie journey through an iconic universe in the FNF Spirits of Hell V2 mod. Based on a fan-created game, Sonic.Exe: The Spirits of Hell, and its sequel, Sally.Exe: The Whisper of Soul, the mod fuses the world of Friday Night Funkin’ with the beloved characters of Sonic. Boyfriend teams up with Sonic to embark on a captivating musical quest. Along the way, they face-off with popular Sonic characters in intense rap battles that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

In the Story mode, players will encounter 5 weeks of gameplay, and they must outdo 12 opponents in hard-fought duels. The mod offers an immersive experience with dialogues and cutscenes that unveil the story. In Freeplay mode, you can enjoy 9 additional rap battles set to almost an hour of new music. From melodious tracks to rhythmic or frenetic tunes, the mod offers a wide range of songs. Some of the featured songs include ‘Night Valley’, ‘Volcano Valley’, ‘Bingo Forest’, ‘Foggy Volcano’, and others.

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