Friday Night Funkin’ vs Suicide Mouse

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About the FNF Suicide game

On an eerie Sunday evening, BoyFriend finds himself with a rare chance to face off against Mickey in a singing duel featuring two never-before-heard songs in FNF Vs. Suicide Mouse. This modification for Friday Night Funkin’ is inspired by the well-known Mickey Mouse creepy pasta called Suicide Mouse – Unseen Freaky Footage, shared by YouTuber Nec1. After aimlessly wandering in a somber state, Mickey encounters BoyFriend, who proposes a rap battle to lighten his mood. In the initial song, Unhappy, our disheartened mouse displays his sorrow through music, while BoyFriend remains unshakable, as always. If you can keep up with the rhythm, you’ll have the chance to perform on Happy, not Pharrell Williams’ hit, but a second, more upbeat and lively song on which Mickey showcases his singing prowess.

The Vs. Suicide Mouse V2 update introduces a new song in story mode, called Really Happy, and the song Smile, which is available in free play mode. These additions provide a fresh experience for players and allow them to further explore the musical talents of both BoyFriend and Mickey as they engage in a rap battle designed to lift Mickey’s spirits and entertain players with a unique take on the Friday Night Funkin’ universe.

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